What are Amps, Volt, and Watt? Which is Dangerous?

Electricity is the primary source of power that lights our world. In studying its components, we often discuss amps, volts, and watts. Whether looking for an error in the device, calculating its power requirements, or looking at its working mechanism, you must understand these basic terms.

Here, you will go through the amps, volts, and watts, including their relationship, how to convert them, and scenarios to understand which is more deadly. Moreover, if you are updating your solar system by the end, you will be confident enough to understand the power requirements for your system on your own.

watts, volt, amps

What are Amps, Volt and Watt?

In the world of electrical circuits, Watts, Amperes, and Volts are the fundamental units required to represent electrical energy. Let's discuss them in detail.

Watt (W)

A Watt is a unit of electrical power. It helps you calculate the amount of energy produced or consumed. It was developed by mechanical engineer James Watt. One watt equals one joule of energy in one second. To derive power in watts, multiply the volts and amps to get the desired result.

Useful knowledge:

How Many Watts Does a Ceiling Fan Use?

How Many Watts Do Air Fryers Use? [All Size of Air Fryers Included]

Easy to Understand: Watt-Hour to Milliamp-Hour (Wh To mAh) Conversion

Ampere (Amp)

Ampere is also noted as Amps. It measures electrical current and helps you see the current flow in an electrical circuit. One Amp is equal to the flow of one-coulomb charge by one second.

Volt (V)

A volt is an SI unit of electrical potential difference, also known as Voltage. It was developed by Italian physicist Alessandro Volta. A volt is basically the force that pushes electrons through a circuit. More volts could indicate more electricity passing through the circuit.

LiFePO4 Voltage Chart 12v/48v/24v

How Do Amps, Watts, and Volts Differ from Each Other?

The above-mentioned details about amps, volts, and watts indicate their purposes in the electrical circuit. All these aspects are related to each other but are different. 

  • Amperes are used to measure the flow of current passing through the circuit.

  • Watts means the rate of energy generated or utilised. It is also known as power.

  • Volts are the actual force or potential difference that drives the flow of electrons.

This is the simplest definition of these vital components of the electrical circuit. Without these, no one can perform calculations, understand power consumption and usage, etc.

How to Convert Amps, Volt and Watt?

To convert amps, Voltages, and watts, you first need to understand the power formula, which is the base of these components.


To Calculate Watts

Watts= Amps x Volts

For Example: 

A current of 5 Amps passes with a pressure of 500 volts.

5 Amps x 500 Volts= 2.500 Watts

To Calculate Amps

Amps= Watts/ Volts

For Example:

The given power is 2.400 watts and at the pressure of 240 volts

2.400 Watts/ 240 Volts= 10 Amps

To Calculate Volts

Volts= Watts / Amps


A power of 5.000 watts is produced, and the flow of current is 20 Amps:

5.000 Watts / 20 Amps= 250 Volts

This is how you can use the given details to convert and derive your desired results.

Tip: Remember to check your power factors AC and DC; some calculations in reactive loads may require them.

Why is it important to Understand Amps, Volt and Watt?

It is important to understand amps, volts, and watts when dealing with them. There is no space for negligence. It can cause harmful impacts. Whether you are dealing with solar devices, electrical devices, or kitchen appliances, you need to track the power to sustain the performance of your devices.

Watts: Product of Work and Electron Flow

Watts is the unit used to measure power, which is derived by multiplying the work done and the number of electrons passing through the circuit. It is important to determine the efficiency of energy transmission and conversion throughout the circuit. Moreover, it helps optimise devices. BLUETTI provides the best AC200L Portable Power Station, which can help you drive your electricity products with full security and provide optimum 2.400W power output and 2.048Wh capacity.

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Amps: The Flow of Electricity

Electrical current is the flow of electricity through a circuit. For instance, if a current passes through your hand, it will continue to flow until interrupted at a certain point in your body. The SI unit to measure current is amps (A). One Amp is equal to 0,001 kilowatts/hour.

Volts: The Electromotive Force

Voltage is used to measure the pressure required by a power source to push charged electrons. It is done through a conducting loop, which enables the circuit to provide power to different devices. Voltage is calculated using Ohm's law, which defines that Voltage (V) is equivalent to the product of current and resistance, V = IR. Resistance is a really important factor to consider here.

Common Misconceptions about Amps, Watts, and Volts

People dealing with electric circuits usually have many misconceptions regarding the fear of shocks, high Voltage, amperes, etc. Let's discuss in detail to clarify them.

Interchangeable Voltage And Current Ratings According to Devices

Every electrical device is equipped with a particular voltage and current range, which is necessary to operate it. If the voltage or amps go beyond or far from the intended limit, it affects the performance badly. It may cause damage to the device, like shock or fire fumes.

Increased Voltage Refers to More Power

Although increased Voltage can result in more power, it must be remembered that the current must be lower to get an accurate result. The power depends upon both the Voltage and current. If the increase is not proper, it may cause damage.

Increased Amps Are the Best

The amount of current required for a device always depends upon its specifications. Sometimes, high current is required to power a device. On the other hand, high currents may cause dangerous impacts like overheating. Always consider a moderate and specified amount of current and Voltage to run the device in a safe zone for a longer time.

People Also Ask About Amps, Voltage, and Watts

What kills you, Amps, or Volts?

There are multiple factors to consider when determining whether both amps (amperes) and volts can cause danger, but amperes are the most significant when determining whether an electric shock is lethal or not. The severity of the shock is dependent upon the current passing through the body.

  • Voltage is actually the pressure responsible for pushing electrical current through a conductor. As the Voltage increases, the flow of current in the body follows.

  • Whereas Ampere is the flow of electricity. It is the one that causes actual damage to the muscles, tissues, and other organs. Moreover, if it goes through the vital organs like the heart, the minimum amount of 0,1 to 0,2 amperes could be fatal.

To conclude, let's take an example:

If the shock's voltage is high, it may not always be fatal. This is because of the lower current flowing through the body. However, if the shock is low Voltage and the current is high, it can cause real damage.

How many Amps are in a Volt?

Although both Amps and volts are related, they are not directly interchangeable. Their relationship depends upon the resistance.



  • I is the Current

  • V is the Voltage

  • R is the Resistance

To calculate how many amps are in one volt, you must know the resistance of the circuit. For example:

If resistance is 1 ohm, the 1 volt will be able to produce 1 amp current.



The result will vary according to the different resistances. If the resistance is 10 ohm, then 1 volt can produce a current of 0,1 amps.

How many Watts is 1 Amp?

To conclude the number of watts in 1 amp, you need to know the Voltage in the circuit. Let's suppose the Voltage is 1v; the following formula could derive the result:


However, if the Voltage is 120 volts, the result will be different. Before considering the power, make sure to understand the Voltage first.

Are Volts stronger than Amps?

No, volts being called stronger than Amps is not true because of their distinct electrical aspects. Their differences include:

  • Voltage is the pressure that pushes the electric current through the conductor. The higher the Voltage, the stronger the push to move the electrons.

  • Amps is the amount of electric charge that flows through a conductor. A higher current means a more significant movement of electrons.

Voltage only harms you if it involves the flow of high current through the body. If it contains an extremely low current, it will not harm you.

How many volts is lightning?

Lightning is caused by the initiation of electrical charges in a storm cloud. This process takes in the large difference between the cloud and ground. The difference then overcomes the insulating properties of the air, causing a massive discharge of electricity.

lightning volts

Lightning involves extremely high voltages. Typically, a lightning strike can carry 100 million to 1 billion volts. It also involves massive current, which mostly ranges from 10.000 to 200.000 amps.  


Understanding the fundamental units of electricity is crucial: Amps, Watts, and Volts. Amps are the base to give you the flow of electrical current, watts show the consumption of energy or generation rate. Whereas volts define the potential difference of the flow of electrons. You can use secure ways to deal with these units and make your environment safe. BLUETTI offers amazing products to ensure the security of your space as the topmost priority. Visit the official website and grab your desired product at amazing discounts!

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